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Article 55 Coalition Bulletin: Violations Documented in Egypt's Prisons and Detention Centers(June 1-30, 2023)


Available in العربية : Here

The Article 55 Coalition has released a bulletin highlighting various violations occurring in Egyptian prisons and detention centers. These violations directly contradict Article 55 of the Egyptian Constitution, which stipulates that individuals who are arrested, detained, or have their freedom restricted must be treated with dignity. They should not be subjected to torture, intimidation, coercion, or any form of physical or psychological harm. Furthermore, their confinement or detention should only occur in designated facilities that meet humanitarian and health standards.

During the specified period, the Coalition documented the following violations:

Eighteen different types of violations were documented.
Three death cases.
Five cases of medical negligence and critical conditions among detainees.
Seven distress calls were made by detainees from various prisons and detention centers, reporting mistreatment, medical neglect, overcrowding, and denial of medical treatment.
Three distress calls reported multiple violations and denial of visitation rights.

The bulletin includes specific cases that exemplify the documented violations:

1- Dr. Ahmed Elwaleed Elsayed Elshal, victim of arbitrary detention - sentenced to death and suffering from a brain tumor - June 6, 2023. https://tinyurl.com/yprh9922
2- Deterioration of the health of journalist Ahmed Sabie detained in Badr 3 prison on political cases - June 7, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/2ya77ma7
3- Distress call to save Ahmed Arabi from disciplinary measures in Badr prison- June 9, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/y5bav9kb

4- Detained for 8 years since the age of 17, completed his sentence, and his case was recycled. Student Mohamed Salah, a victim of arbitrary detention - June 9, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/mtyw72vm
5- The detainees in Abu Zaabal prison announce their intention to go on a general strike due to overcrowding in cells and violations against them - June 9, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/466tapy3
6- Detained since 2016 and suffering from tumors in his foot and body requiring urgent medical intervention.. Ahmed Nader Abdelqader Hammad, a victim of arbitrary detention - June 12, 2023
7- Egyptian lawyer and human rights defender Mohammed Elbaqer continues to be held in solitary confinement for over two months - June 12, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/y3p2pt72
8- Distress call from Qanater prison due to escalating violations - June 14, 2023
9- Death of citizen Mustafa Helwa due to an incident in his detention - June 15, 2023
10- Hoda Abdel Moneim was deported to the Tenth of Ramadan Prison, while visitations are still denied- June 16, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/mrsx9wb5
11- Dr. Ahmed Tahamy was transferred to the hospital in his detention - June 17, 2023
12- Anas Al-Beltagy was deported to the Tenth of Ramadan Prison, amid numerous violations, June 17, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/bdkrksht
13- Complaints escalated against Moamen Aweys, Chief Investigator of 430 Wadi El-Natrun Prison https://tinyurl.com/yckep846

14- Violations against detainees in Al-Qanater Al-Khairiya Prison have escalated over the past weeks - June 20, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/4zujtnvt
15- The death of citizen Saleh Rahim due to torture inside Al-Adwa Police Station, June 21, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/36fpr6z4
16- “They imprisoned them to die”.... Complaints of political prisoners in Burj Al Arab prison escalate on June 21, 2023 https://tinyurl.com/bdhar222
17- The life of Dr. Ahmed Ramadan in Burj Al Arab prison is in danger, June 25, 2023
18- The death of human rights lawyer “Ali Abbas Barakat” in Badr Prison Hospital, June 26, 2023

Details of the violations can be reviewed on the media outlets of the member organizations of the coalition.

The Coalition emphasizes that the documented violations within Egyptian prisons and detention centers are not surprising, as they reflect the overall approach of the Egyptian authorities towards detainees, particularly political ones. It is a systematic approach and not just individual violations as promoted by the Egyptian Ministry of Interior.

The policy of impunity employed by the Egyptian authorities towards human rights violators within detention facilities has encouraged and fueled these practices, to the point where they have become standard operating procedures within the Egyptian prison administration. We have not seen any leadership or responsible individuals being held accountable or even reprimanded despite the documented and well-established violations that may have occurred.

In light of these concerns, the Article 55 Coalition calls for an investigation into these violations, holding those responsible accountable in accordance with Egyptian and international law, while adhering to the minimum standards set by the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the Egyptian prison regulations. Moreover, it demands an end to their violations and the provision of living conditions that are compatible with the humanity of the detainees.

Article 55 Coalition:
• Committee for Justice (CFJ)
• El Shehab Center for Human Rights (SHR)
• Egyptian Network for Human Rights
• Their Right
• We Record
• HuMENA for Human Rights and Civic Engagement
• Arab Foundation for Civil and Political Rights-Nedal


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