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El-Shehab for Human Rights calls for stopping of detention renewal via video conference


Available in العربية : Here

El-Shehab for Human Rights demands the cessation of holding video conference sessions for the detention renewal; and calls for return to convening them within the courtrooms. It has been a year since the counseling rooms held in Badr Prison using video conferencing have released anyone.

From July 2022 to July 2023, a whole year has passed and not a single person being released during the counseling sessions held in Badr Prison. Hundreds of defendants are presented weekly, including sick, students, minors, the elderly, girls, women, and very special cases that deserve to be released, yet all circles didn’t release any of them. This differs from previous years where renewal sessions consistently resulted in the release of dozens of detainees. We recall the day of July 3, 2021 when one of the judicial circles reviewed 467 defendants in a single day and released them all.

It has become evident to everyone that the defense and the accused have been unable to present their defenses aspects and justifications for their release. This contradicts with the explicit provisions of the procedural law in this matter. Furthermore, the severe hardship faced by everyone, often prevented lawyers from attending.

El-Shehab for Human Rights demands the cessation of this experiment due to its failure and its inability to achieve its intended goals.


May be a graphic of ‎text that says "‎وَالإاسَان الشَّهَا EL SHEHAB FOR HUMAN RIGHTS EL-SHEHAB FOR HUMAN RIGHTS CALLS FOR STOPPING OF DETENTION RENEWAL VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE lelshehab ElshehabNgo f elshehab.net info@elshehab.net‎"‎

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