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"Sumaya Maher" completed five years of pretrial detention, with a ban on visiting


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#Violations_against_women| Young lady "Sumaya Maher" completed five years of pretrial detention, with a ban on visiting #Egypt

Citizen Sumaya Maher Khuzaimah has completed 5 years of pretrial detention, while being deprived from visits since her arrest. After her arrest, she forcibly disappeared; and when appeared she was subjected to violations in her imprisonment including visits prevention, along these lengthy years. These violations led to the deterioration of her health and psychological condition.

"Sumaya" was arrested from her home in Damanhour city in Al-Beheira governorate, at dawn time on October 17, 2017, a few days before her wedding. Her residence was searched and some of its contents were seized.

El-Shehab for Human Rights denounces the violations against women, condemns the violations against the girl, holds the Egyptian authorities responsible for her safety, and demands her immediate release.


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